So, it has been officially three weeks since I was laid off. Unfortunately, more bad news regarding the economy seems to come out every day - Hutchinson Technology will be cutting up to 25% of its workforce (while the remaining employees will take a 5% pay cut); 3M will lose 2,300 jobs; the Tribune Co. and the auto companies on the verge of collapse. Sigh. There's not a lot to make an unemployed girl hopeful.

So, if this whole HR job thing doesn't work out, I have two back-up plans. The first one is to start a 24/7 "Gilmore Girls" channel. I freaking love the "Gilmore Girls" except for the last season, which I don't talk about. It's kind of like the last three "Star Wars" movies that were released - I just pretend that they and the last season of "Gilmore Girls" don't exist! I think it should be required viewing for all teenage girls and their mothers about how relationships CAN be. Plus, the dialogue is killer for pop culture fanatics such as myself. ABC Family shows it at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. I have been catching the 10 a.m. shows and find myself ditching "The Price is Right" to watch it. The 10 a.m. shows are during Season 1, so it's fun to see Lorelai and Rory at the beginning!

My second back-up plan is to open a Whataburger franchise in the Twin Cities. Lucas, my brother Tom, his girlfriend Mackenzie, and me discovered Whataburger last June while we were in Texas for my cousin Nick's high school graduation. Whataburger has phenomenal onion rings and best of all, they serve breakfast all day and some of them are up 24 hours. We took full advantage of all three during our stay. And, I know just where it would go - in the spot left vacant by Krispy Kreme in Eden Prairie. It would be perfect!
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